Rising Temperatures Pose Health Risks as Scorching Pavements Inflict Serious Burns on Individuals
Severe Pavement Burns in Las Vegas and Arizona

Rising Temperatures Pose Health Risks as Scorching Pavements Inflict Serious Burns on Individuals

"Dangerous Heatwave Causes Severe Pavement Burns in Las Vegas and Arizona"

Rising Temperatures Pose Health Risks as Scorching Pavements Inflict Serious Burns on Individuals

Hot temperatures in Las Vegas and Arizona are causing serious problems. The pavement has become so hot that it's burning people's skin, and many have ended up in the hospital. In Las Vegas, 11 patients have been admitted to a burn center this month because of pavement burns. Arizona is experiencing the same issue, with people being treated for bad burns as the pavement reaches a scorching 160 degrees Fahrenheit.

According to Yasmin Conaway, a burn program manager, the surfaces like asphalt and concrete can get incredibly hot, up to 170 degrees. This can lead to severe burns in just a few seconds, making it necessary for some people to go to the hospital. In some cases, people who are already dehydrated or intoxicated have passed out on the hot pavement, making their burns even worse.

The extreme heat is not limited to just Las Vegas and Arizona. Death Valley recently reached a record temperature of 128 degrees Fahrenheit, making it one of the hottest places on Earth. Phoenix, Arizona, also experienced a record temperature of 119 degrees Fahrenheit for the twentieth day in a row with temperatures over 110 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat is not going away anytime soon.

Phoenix might see temperatures as high as 120 degrees Fahrenheit in the coming days, according to the National Weather Service. It's crucial for people in these areas to take precautions to protect themselves from the scorching pavement and extreme heat. Staying hydrated, finding cool places to rest, and avoiding hot surfaces can help avoid burns and heat-related illnesses during this difficult time.

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